Wandsworth Borough Council
Wandsworth Council is a local authority in south-west London responsible for public services for its 300,000+ residents. The Council's Lifelong Learning Service (WCLL) is responsible for adult and young people’s further and vocational education and training, Apprenticeships, work-based learning and Family Learning. A key focus of Lifelong Learning in Wandsworth is on widening the participation of young people and adults who are at risk of social exclusion. We work with an extensive range of providers and partners (local and from the EU) to increase participation, particularly from those who: • are furthest away from work • are in low paid employment and/or are low qualified • are entitled to government funded Basic Skills and/or up to Level 2 qualifications • are socially isolated (or at risk of social isolation) • are living in an area of poor social cohesion • would benefit from improved health or wellbeing • have a learning difficulty or disability • are under-achieving or under-represented in education and employment • need to retrain • are learners whose first language is not English • are learners without a Level 2 qualification • are men who are traditionally under-represented in adult learning

Petit Pas
The association of social promotion Petit Pas was founded in Trani (BT) - Puglia - Italy, in 2015. Petit pas aims at the development of education, training and entrepreneurship of young people, women, migrants and the disabled in Puglia (IT) and abroad. To achieve these goals Petit pas has an ongoing collaboration with leading universities, schools, associations, NGO’s and research organizations in Puglia for projects development, training and educational material. Petit Pas was born from the desire to help the NEETs of its territory in order to create a place of reactivation, development and support. In its headquarters (at a co-working space), Petit Pas helps newly graduated young people gain basic knowledge about entrepreneurial and employability skills required to make their job ready; such as CV writing skills, self-presentations and presentations skills in general; attending a winning interview; main aspects of leadership and team work, creativity, time management and project management.

Xano Channel
The association, created in 2010, aims to create growth opportunities for the individual and for society by creating synergies, tools and methodologies for the dissemination of culture and the civil liability of individuals and organizations. The activities of the association and its aims are inspired by the principles of equal opportunities between men and women disadvantaged. In particular aims to: • Promote activities in the context of sustainable development and social responsibility of individuals and private and public organizations. • The promotion of initiatives and services in the culture of the performing arts, films, and the dissemination and promotion of such activities throughout the country and Europe. • Promote and organize cultural events, music, theatre, entertainment, films and participate in them with their members if promoted and organized by other associations, public and private. • Pursue the qualification, professional improvement and social development of its members in the fields of education, culture, entertainment, tourism, animation, communication and Arts in general. • Promote and organize all types of events, such as meetings, conferences, trade fairs, seminars, exhibitions, courses designed to pursue the purpose of the association. • Promote and encourage initiatives for education, training, orientation, update information and disclosure. • Establish scholarships and organize placements and internships in the country and abroad. • Formative and orientation services funded and unfunded according to the specific business needs of users and the territory. • Design of training programs funded or in agreement with public and / or private, domestic and foreign. • Promoting transnational mobility through the design and management of training in the context of national and Community programs • Service activities of travel agencies of the tour operator, reservation service and related activities. • Publishing literary and musical editing the publication and distribution of periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, audio and visual media, computer and books in the areas of interest, addressed to non-members • Promote activities, services, recreational and leisure, sports and travel • Advertising and market research. • Participation in public tenders and private national and foreign. • Accompanying the study support and remedial teaching.

Fundatia Centrul Educational Spektrum
As a self-sustaining, dynamic organization that is open to cooperation, our aim is to offer a wide range of formal and informal trainings to the organizations wishing to develop in the region, and also to individuals who wish to learn and develop without age limits. Our language skills development programmes enable 450-500 of our students to achieve their professional and personal goals. Today, people skills and abilities, entrepreneurship skills, and management skills are considered basic requirements in a growing number of professions. Likewise, the competences that are to be acquired in our accredited courses, like the ‘Office Manager Training’ or ‘The Training of Trainers’. Within the framework of our educational development projects we are searching for effective ways and means to prepare the region's workforce for the rapid economic changes and encourage entrepreneurship. During conducting training programs we seek cooperation with local businesses, institutions, non-governmental organizations, communities and local organizations. We also take part in education, training-related research, contribute to publications, and publishing of books as well.